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Senin, 27 April 2009

Indonesia Ecotourism 3# : Gede - Pangrango

Mt Gede Pangraro taken from Cisarua West Java Indonesia (pitunov , 2008)

Mount Gede Pangrango National Park (GPNP) is one of popular Ecotourism destinations in Indonesia. GPNP has officially established in 1980 as a national park.

Covering with natural forest 21,975 hectare make GPNP to unique place for summer or weekend tourism. Just only 2 hours (100 Km) drive away from Jakarta. Visitors could see the wonder of tropical forest. Rasamala tree with the red young leafs is the endemic species where growing spread over the forest.

Visitor can find unique insectivorous plants (pitcher plant), a few species of wild orchids, and even “undiscovered plants” without scientific names, such as the luminescence mushroom. There are also more than 100 species of mammals and 250 species of birds. GPNP is a home for various wild animals, the animals threat as endangered species, such as a Java Leaf Monkey, leopards, and Java Hawk-Eagles. Hiking to the mountain is the most favorite ecotourism journey here.

Kebun Raya Cibodas (Cibodas Botanical Garden and National Park) is landscaped historical park adjacent to a national forest. This place has plenty of wonderful hiking trails, some leading to waterfalls and a few to hot springs. One of the longest path lead to the top of Mt. Gede caldera with its wide spanning desert.

As a place for summer retreat, on the weekends, Cibodas Gate and Cibodas Botanical Garden will be alive with tourists looking for souvenirs, and buying fresh vegetables and fruits at reasonable prices from the local street market (Saturdays and Sundays). From here walk to Cibeureum Triple Waterfalls with natural landscape could make someone feel the work of nature.

Climate [1]

There are two distinct seasons; the dry season is from June to October and the rainy season is from November to April. Especially during the months of January and February, rainfalls with strong wind are frequented, and may cause danger during hikes. Rainfalls come even during the dry season, bringing annual precipitation of approximately 4,000 mm. Average temperatures in Cibodas is 23°C, and the altitude at the peak is 3,000 m a.s.l. Prepare for cold weather, as winds get strong at the peak, and temperature goes down to as low as 5 °C.


All hikers are recommended to bring their own food and drinks since there are no groceries/restaurants in the Park. Your last point for purchasing food is at the entry point of Cibodas. Take plenty of drinking water with you on hikes, as there many water sources along the trails are not always suitable for drinking. For your first hike to the summit, it is recommended to hire a guide from the Park office.

Regulations for Hiking:

GPNP office has published the regulations for hiking.

1.You are required to apply for a permit at the Park office through the booking system. Allowed length of hiking is maximum 2 days.
2.Number of hikers are limited to 600 people a day (Cibodas entry gate:300 people, Gunung Putri: 200 people, and Selabintana: 100 people).
3.Report to the ranger at the gate upon entry and exit.
4.The ranger will check your belongings and entry permit (SIMAKSI) before and after your hike.
5.Do not bring animals into the Park.
6.Campfires are not allowed in the Park.
7.Do not damage, remove or vandalize the facilities in the Park.
8.Do not pick, remove or take plants in the Park.
9.Do not diverge from the main trail.
10.Do not leave your trash; take them home with you.
11.Do not use shampoo or soap as it will pollute the water.
12.Do not bring radios, musical instruments or alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs into the park.

Requirements for Hiking:

1. Every hiker must bring an entry permit (SIMKASI) which can be obtained from the Park office, 2 to 30 days before the visit. Foreign tourists are
recommended to book ahead but also can obtain the permit at the Park office on the day of visit.
2. Pay for Entry fee. Fee for domestic tourists will be applied to foreigners by presenting KTP or KITAS.
3. Submit a copy of your valid ID: Passport / KTP / KITAS / SIM / Student Card (the submitted copy will not be returned).
4. If you are under 17 years, you must submit evidence of parental consent and a copy of your parent's ID.
5. Hiking must be done in a group of more than 3 person, and if the group consists of more than 10 person, you are required to submit a list of group members including name, age, sex and occupation.
6. Bring basic equipment: jacket, extra clothes, mattress, enough food and drinks, medicine and first-aid kit.

How to obtain your entry permit:

1. Direct booking can be made by visiting the GDNP Park office in Cibodas.
2. Indirect booking can be contacted Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango [National Park]. Jalan Raya Cibodas, Cipanas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Tel: +62-263-512776 Fax: +62-263-519415 and pay the required fee at the Park office or send e-mail:

1. Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango [National Park]

Image Sources:
1. Java Hawk
2. Trekking Path Mt Pangrango

Related Posts:
1. 7 Facts of Global Ecotourism Could Boost Indonesia Ecotourism
2. Indonesia Ecotourism 1# : Bromo-Tengger-Semeru
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