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Rabu, 11 November 2009

Who are Eco-tourists?

According to The International Ecotourism Society (1990), ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the wellbeing of local people. By choosing responsible travel, you can have the fabulous vacation that you’ve dreamed of, while ensuring that the money you spend at your destination is benefiting the environment and the local people.

There is a wide range of travelers, of all ages and interests.

As a matured traveller or eco-tourist, you protect nature as well as celebrate it at the same time. You participate in its conservation. Travelers who choose ecotourism should leave all attitudes behind and set out with an open mind to discover.

Ashish Dutta said in her article "The Five Travel Habits",

"If you are amid nature, make her your best friend, and she will unravel her secrets to you"

If you are travelling to the beautiful places around the world, you shall be an "enlightened eco-traveller" or a responsible tourist interested in sustainability, authentic local experiences and opportunities to give back to the communities.

Finally, eco-tourists are also seeking to minimize the carbon footprint of their travel, traveling with climate in mind by planning wisely and choosing consciously.

Here is The International Ecotourism Society's Travel Green Guide, you should read.

Related Posts:
9 Basic Guidelines of The Quality Eco-Experiences, You Should Know

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