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Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009

7 Principles of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)

In Indonesia human influence has been claimed as cause of forest fires. The fire is caused by human activity in order to get better land clearing for agriculture, forestry and plantations.

The worst disaster of forest fire in Indonesia, such as the 1997/1998, contributed for global greenhouse gas emissions. As a report said [1], in the following:

Clearing and burning tropical forests causes approximately 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions every year more than all the cars, trucks, buses and trains in the world. In dry years, such as the 1997 /1998 El Niño, forest and peat fires in the Amazon and Southeast Asia raised this total to as much as 1/3 of global emissions.

Scientists agree that to avoiding dangerous interference in the climate system warming must not exceed 2°C. But concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere are already so high that global emissions must peak and start to decline by about 2020 to keep this possibility open. To achieve this, emissions from all major sources developed countries, major developing country emitters and deforestation must start to decline within the next decade. Reducing emissions from either developed countries or fossil fuels alone would require too steep a decline to be practically feasible to keep warming under 2°C.

The UNFCCC discussed Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD), and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA), NGOs and scientists drafted decision language regarding REDD for the 13th Conference of the Parties (COP). Stephan Schwartzman summarized the REDD Policy Principles [2]:

1. If tropical deforestation continues at its current rate: approximately 430 billion tons of carbon currently stored in tropical forests will be released into the atmosphere, an enormous part of the worlds biodiversity will be destroyed and millions of indigenous peoples and forest communities will be deprived of their main resource base.

2. International carbon markets are the first and possibly last chance to create economic value for living forests at a scale commensurate with large-scale deforestation.

3. Scientists, governments and NGOs have made substantial progress towards addressing technical issues surrounding REDD, including how to ensure that REDD is real, verifiable and permanent, as will benefit regions of intact and non-intact forests. Existing IPCC guidelines establish the necessary international standards for monitoring and measuring emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

4. REDD can help reduce overall global emissions, not just transfer developing countries emissions to developed countries industries. This means greater overall reductions at a lower cost than would be possible using fossil fuels alone not a free ride for industrial polluters.

5. Fully fungible REDD crediting within a sound policy framework is unlikely to flood the carbon market or drive prices so low as to displace investments in renewable energy.

6. REDD can benefit biodiversity conservation as well as indigenous and rural peoples. To succeed, national REDD programs must be consistent with UNFCCC and other UN principles, be transparent and have the active involvement of indigenous peoples and forest communities.

7. Rejecting REDD will not defend indigenous rights. Substituting official aid from developed countries for carbon market funding will not be a better, less risky alternative for reducing deforestation. Indigenous rights abuses, often caused by the same activities that drive deforestation, must be addressed directly.

Finally, the important question is how REDD would work ?

[1] Page S E, Sigert F, Riley J O, Boehm H-DV, Jaya, A, Limin S (2002). The amount of carbon released during peat and forest fires in Indonesia during 1997. Nature 420:61-65.

[2] Stephan Schwartzman (2008), GETTING REDD RIGHT: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Environmental Defense Daniel Nepstad, The Woods Hole Research Center Paulo Moutinho, Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM).

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