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Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Indonesia Is Proudly Hosting the World Ocean Conference 2009

The oceans play major roles in determining the world climate system, but increasing rate of global climate change in recent times has threatened marine lives and the livelihood of the people.

Indonesia has taken the initiative to organize a World Ocean Conference (WOC) in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia on the 11th – 15th May 2009, hereafter referred to as World Ocean Conference (WOC) 2009, which will be attended by Ministers and High Level Government Officials and High Level Officials from Multilateral Organizations. Given the fact that Indonesia the largest archipelago country and possesses the highest marine biodiversity in the world, the conference will strengthen Indonesia's participation in the regional and international forum. The WOC 2009 is forum for the world community to discuss current issues in the marine field which are related to climate change, and how the world can wisely utilize the ocean to weather crisis.

The world has a number of economic recessions and crises since 1982. The Asia Financial crisis in 1997 and global recession today have caused major upsets to the ocean. Marine and fisheries resources has been degraded gradually because of over fishing and in manners that destruct the ecosystem of the ocean, pollutions and coastal degradation. The recent global recession will threaten the oceans as well because poverty and unemployment will turn global populations to seek means of subsistence from the oceans. Global commitments to minimize the threats and to improve marine resource management. is urgently required. The WOC 2009 is expected to create a more aligned global vision and commitments from participating governments and institutions to work together to improve marine resource management.

In related with the conference theme: "Climate Change Impacts To Oceans and The Role of Oceans To Climate Change", the schedule of programs are:

11 - 14 May 2009: Intergovernmental Meeting

Meeting of ministers, high level and senior government officials from 121 invited countries and officials from intergovernmental organizations to discuss the role of oceans in climate change, and the effects of climate change on the oceans. Finally, signing of the Manado Ocean Declaration.

15 May 2009 : Coral Triangle Initiative Summit

Meeting of the six Heads of State of the Coral Triangle countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Timor Leste, and representatives of two partner countries, the USA and Australia, and the NGO consortium. Launching of the CTI Implementation in 6 countries as a result of the APEC Sydney 2007 Declaration.

12 - 14 May 2009: International Ocean Science, Technology & Industry Exhibition

Two hundred and fifty Exhibition Stands showcasing ocean science, technology and industrial applications. Exhibition of ocean research vessels.

13 May 2009: Global Ocean Policy Day

Indonesia is proudly hosting the World Ocean Conference 2009 to build commitment for sustainable management of marine resources.

For the event at a glance, please visit World Ocean Conference 2009 web site.

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